(10,000+ reviews, 100,000+ Customers Worldwide)

Innercise™: The New Science To Unlock
Your Brain's Hidden Power - For Free

Innercise™ is the #1 audio-based brain training program that leverages the latest
neuroscience breakthroughs and 10 years of cutting-edge research to optimize your brain and
strengthen your mind so you achieve your goals… faster and easier than ever before.

Get Innercise™ For FREE

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John Assaraf has been seen on:

Over 100,000 People Innercise™ Daily Worldwide

Just like you exercise to strengthen your body, think of Innercise™ as the fastest way
to strengthen your mind – so you can achieve your biggest goals and dreams... faster
& and easier than ever before.

reason #1

Backed by 10 years of cutting-edge neuroscience research, Innercise™ has been scientifically proven to help you master your mindset so you can shatter your limitations, overcome obstacles, and become unstoppable.

reason #2

By Innercising daily, you can quickly break free from ANY limiting beliefs, destructive mindset habits, fears, and self-sabotaging behaviors that hold you back from achieving success.

reason #3

With Innercise™, you can automatically build the confidence, beliefs & habits you need to finally stop settling for less, and start living life on your own terms.

Start Listening For Free

Get These 9 Mini-Innercise™ Audios For FREE Today

To dramatically improve your results, we suggest listening to each Innercise™ more than
once. Just put on your headphones and let Innercise™ handle the rest.

Best use: To Get Centered, Calm and in Control. You will discover how to deactivate the stress/fear/anxiety/panic center in your brain.
10:15 Min
10:15 Min
Best use: To increase awareness of your thoughts, emotions, feelings, sensations, behaviors. You will learn to be mindful and in control of your focus and actions.
7:30 Min
7:30 Min
Best use: This simple technique is to release any disempowering thought or emotion, a past experience or limiting belief or habit. You will learn a positive language pattern and technique that will help you focus on letting go of what no longer serves you.
6:30 Min
6:30 Min
Best use: For being in control of your emotions and feelings vs being a victim of them. You will discover how to switch between emotions and feelings on command.
9:08 Min
9:08 Min
Best use: For activating your positive neurochemicals, feelings, focus and emotions. You will learn a simple, powerful technique and ritual to start and end your day.
8:30 Min
8:30 Min
Best use: Mental rehearsal for seeing yourself achieving your goals and dreams as you release whatever is holding you back. You will learn how to anchor your vison and goals, using a combination of brain-based techniques and methods.
11:00 Min
11:00 Min
Best use: To increase your awareness around the meanings you give things that happen in your life. You will discover how to look at anything that happens in your life, in a more positive, empowering way.
9:15 Min
9:15 Min
Best use: For releasing stress/anxiety/overwhelm/being tired. Anytime you just need a little break and a quick escape to get calm and peaceful... just go to the beach.
8:00 Min
8:00 Min
Best use: This is your time for your whole self, your spirit, your emotions, your mental strength and your physical self to release any of the stories or excuses that are holding you back and that you want to be permanently released starting right now. You will discover how to trust your inner wisdom and self even more and each breath reinforces your ability to gain more confidence and certainty in your inner resources as you release whatever stories or excuses that you are now ready to release.
22:00 Min
22:00 Min
Start Listening For Free

The normal Price is $197... But You
Can Get it for free today.

(10,000+ reviews, 100,000+ Customers Worldwide)

Ordinary People.
Extraordinary Results.

Just by Innercising my brain, I started to feel so good! I’m starting a new business. I lost my migraines. I lost weight. Train your brain and you WILL achieve it.

Kim M.

Innercise has drastically reduced my stress levels, improved my awareness and focus, and helped me find clarity in my mindset, which gives me the confidence to achieve bigger goals.

Sefika Evliya

After 22 years of abusive marriage, I have finally asked for a divorce. I would like to thank John Assaraf who gave me the strength to face and conquer my fears.

Sawsan Sabra

Innercise helped me become more consistent with my workouts, eating healthier, and visualizing myself in the body weight I am happy with in my mind's eye.

Vonda Boo

This guy John is INCREDIBLE. Innercise is a proven process and system…… I love this guy!!!

Mike Weiss

After only two weeks of Innercising, something almost miraculous happened to me. I was interviewed by a leading cultural magazine based in Southern India, and they decided to put me on the cover - this is a massive win! Now I got a contract with a publisher to publish my book

Ajay Kamalakaran

What The World’s Leading
Brain Experts
Say About The
Power of Innercise™

“INNERCISE™ is a fantastic resource for anyone interested in taking their life to the next level. John Assaraf has taken complex neuroscience concepts and broken them down so they are easy to understand - more importantly, easy to apply. John has laid out a step-by-step approach to creating the life people dream about.”

Dr. Joan Rosenberg
Professor of Psychology, Pepperdine University, bestselling author of Ease Your Anxiety

INNERCISE™ turns cutting-edge neuroscience into easy, practical strategies that will actually enhance your brain in ways that will help you to master your thoughts and emotions so that you can achieve any goal you desire.

Mark Waldman
Brain Researcher & Executive MBA Faculty, Loyola Marymount University

“John has a gift for making science accessible. With INNERCISE™ he breaks down the practical steps with which you can transform your brain to achieve the results you want in your life!”

Daniel Friedland MD
CEO of SuperSmartHealth, Author of Leading Well from Within

"Only through daily INNERCISE™ can we create the sustainable habits necessary to transform the stress in our lives into the FUEL for positive change."

Heidi Hanna, PhD
NY Times bestselling author and Executive Director of the American Institute of Stress

“INNERCISE™ provides essential information and terrific brain training techniques for keeping your inner brain and outer mind focused on achieving your goals.”

Dr. Andrew Newberg
Neuroscientist & Author of How Enlightenment Changes Your Brain

“Cutting-edge techniques to maximize your fullest potential.”

Dr. Srini Pillay
Harvard Psychiatrist and Brain Expert